New Book Smell

Today, I bought a book for the first time in quite a long time. For the last few years, I’ve been doing all my reading on a tablet in an effort to reduce any travel weight whenever the time came for me to move country again. It’s definitely convenient, but it just isn’t the same as reading an actual book.

I was a bit surprised to find out that books are still expensive — particularly when it’s a newly-released hard cover book. Luckily, you can get some pretty good discounts if you pledge your allegiance to a bookstore by means of a membership card, which is precisely what I did. Extra bonus was that the membership was free (unless the woman just forgot to ask me for my money to pay the membership fee).

So now I have a lovely new book to sniff, and I was actually pretty excited when I was unwrapping it. It was perfect in every way, until I realised… that the discount sticker didn’t come off with the plastic cover… and that it was stuck directly onto the book sleeve.

You monster.
